When you retain the Pye Law Firm, you will be quoted a fee. Often the fee is a flat fee for the services, which you will need to achieve your legal goals. By using the flat fee concept, clients know precisely what their total fee bill will be for an issue, and there will be no attorney fee surprises. All reasonably anticipated costs are identified to the client at the time of retention. Sometimes, but not often you will just be quoted an hourly fee for the legal services. One of the basic principles upon which our firm is founded, is the firm belief that realistic, affordable attorney fees are to be made available for all.
With this philosophy as our foundation we feel it is important for our clients to realize that when we make our
services affordable, the fee should not be seen as an indication of lesser quality legal work or attorney's lack of
experience. Rather, by being affordable we try to set an example and aspire to be a role model for our legal community.
That being said, we trust that you will read all of our qualifications and see and question all of our knowledge and
involvement and draw a conclusion which is favorable and acknowledges our experience and our quality which we believe
are self evident.
There is often a big firm mentality out there among potential clients. There is sometimes a belief that bigger is better. Our firm realizes this, and that there is sometimes a perception that higher fees may mean better service or better representation. We disagree. We believe that actually paying expensive fees is often rewarding inefficiency.
Pye Law Firm, PA is cutting edge, up to date, and electronically sophisticated. It is to this end that the Pye Law Firm, PA, through the use of extensive electronic and computer expertise, and through other efficient business practices (i.e. lower overhead), is able to operate at a high standard of economic efficiency, and at the same time not compromise our effectiveness. Thus we can offer affordable fees.
In fact, we believe that our firm's business model enhances our responsiveness to our clients, and our ability
to be an effective advocate on their behalf. There will be no telephone tag with your attorney. There will be returned
telephone calls. There will be unfettered access to your attorney via email and open communication at all times. We
think you will be pleased. Please, choose a lawyer with the appropriate qualifications. Most legal work is relatively
routine. It often has little to do with complex legal theory or constitutional analysis, and much more to do with
knowing the way around the system to best suit the client's needs.
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements
Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience
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